Principal Photographer of Mackintosh Photography
Professionally respected photographer based in Rozelle, Sydney Australia.
I remember Dad with his Minolta 101 ST in hand, creating magic. My first point-and-shoot was a second hand Kodak instamatic. Dad was a passionate builder, gardener and architecture enthusiast, which exposed me to cameras, buildings and landscapes from an early age. Working in ad studios as a finished artist, I built a solid understanding of the photographer’s role as a visual communicator.
Picture: Lawyer portraits in Singapore.
Client: Allen & Overy, UK
"I love the freedom of expression been able to capture a building or an interior with just the right light. Yet I thoroughly enjoy the photographic and personal challenge of having the ability to make people look the best in the camera naturally without having to rely on overdone Photoshop"
Justin Mackintosh, Principal Photographer.
Picture: Hayman Island Resort, Whitsunday Islands Queensland. Architect: Kerry Hill
As a student at Sydney TAFE for two years, I learnt to develop and process film and prints the old way.
Learning photography from the ground up made photoshop an added skill, not a dependency. I pride myself in capturing the magic behind the lens, not in post production. After a few years as a commercial photographer’s assistant, I ventured out and grew my own client base both in Australia and in the Asia Pacific.
Picture: On assignment photographing the Salamanca Building. Hobart Tasmania. Architect: FJMT
"I don't believe in the cookie cutter approach to any of my photography commissions, every client is different with their own set of ideas. Every shoot will be a unique creation"
Justin Mackintosh, Principal Photographer.
Picture: Capturing a stunning designed house in Chatswood, Sydney. Architect: Danny Broe Architect